The Right Path 4U Interview Part 2

This is the second part of an interview with The Right Path 4U President and Founder, Tamara Sillingle (click here to watch part one).

In this session Tamara is asked about why she decided to start The Right Path 4U and why it’s much better to be in the driver’s seat in life instead of just letting life happen to you.

You can check out part two of the video below:

Video Transcription:

Okay, so – just curious, how did you decide that this was what you wanted to do with your life? Was there anything that lead you to that conclusion? Was there an event in your life or something that you just reflected on and said you know – this is what I want to do?

Well, really it’s the natural evolution of my career. I’ve gone from one type of counseling career to another, case work, career counseling, doing psychological assessments under the supervision of a psychologist. And the last position that I did was I worked in the insurance industry doing … I was called a vocational rehabilitation specialist and I would meet with clients who were two years post-accident and they could no longer go back to the work that they were working in and the insurance company wanted to find positions for them given all their limitations.

So I would look at the reports and recommendations of various specialists and then I would meet with the client and consult with them and do some testing too …that included interest testing and skills testing, to get them as close to what it is that they want to do as possible. They would come in and they would be guarded, and then I’d start my interview by saying, “what do you want to do in an ideal world if you could do anything that you wanted to…what would it be?”

And to see people transformed from that one question and give them the ability to dream, it was amazing to watch. It made me realize that this is what I’m really passionate about.

I look back on my whole life, my mission has been to make people more comfortable and to make them realize their authentic self and what it is that they’re good at.

When you see a person that’s doing the right thing, being themselves and in the right place…you know they have something, you just see it, you feel it. They’re almost humming – they’re at a special…they’ve accomplished something.

I took life coaching and I designed my company The Right Path for You based on coaching and consulting people, referring them and taking an eclectic team approach to looking at each individual’s life and the challenges they face and the strengths that they have and helping weave it into a career direction or a lifestyle that they really want.

I read a study the other day that one of the things that they find that when you ask somebody at the end of their life, what are their regrets? Far more often than not, and I’m sorry I don’t remember the exact number but it was up around 80-90%, is people not doing what it is that they wanted to do. They never followed their dreams. I want to help people to grow and potentially follow their dreams.

Yeah and when you’re telling that story about working with people that are on insurance for whatever disability and they’re trying to restart their life after having some sort of an accident, I guess the reality of the situation…and I guess it’s kind of sad at the same time is that there’s plenty of us that…you could almost say to these people that they had some sort of misfortune in their life; they were in this situation on insurance. But at the same time you have people who are perfectly healthy that are just doing the wrong thing in life and it takes this accident or this misfortune to happen where they can actually stop the day-to-day cycle and just reflect and just go, “wait a sec, I shouldn’t be here. There’s more to my life than this.”

So it’s kinda funny in a weird way to think that the people who’ve had the misfortune are in some ways almost more lucky than the people who haven’t had any misfortune and they’re still stuck in this…‘hamster wheel, where they’re stuck in this grind and they haven’t had the misfortune yet that’s forced them to come off the hamster wheel and re-evaluate their life and what’s going on.

Absolutely. I would sometimes run into people after, those that we could tell that we gained some serious ground in our interview and they said their session with me was transformational. It was awesome and it gave them a second chance. They hadn’t seen their insurance crisis as something that could be a restart or a second chance. They told me that I helped them to have the second chance and that’s why it is that I formed The Right Path For You and that’s what it is that I do.

You also mentioned about how sometimes life has to give you these hard knocks in order for you to go, “okay…well maybe it is time to do something else.” We go through life and sometimes we think about our dreams or the things we want to do and it seems too big, so we say, “no, no – not now” and life makes the choice for you…the universe, God, whatever it is – the higher power that you believe in or just the higher version of yourself…just comes in and says, “it’s time now.”.

So, it’s better to find out more gently while you’re driving as opposed to waiting for something, some crisis to happen and life to choose for you. Second chances are given all the time and this is what I offer: a chance for somebody to get in their own driver’s seat, design their life, be inspired and get all the support that they need.

Get more details on the Key 4 U Retreat taking place in Florida this November.

One lucky person can win free admission to the event by listening to the full interview and taking the steps that Tamara outlines near the end.